1.2. Creator
Required |
Repeatable |
Yes |
Yes |
Names of the individual(s) or organisation(s) who created the data asset. These could be the main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication, in priority order. To supply multiple creators, repeat this property. May be a corporate/institutional or personal name. May also include affiliation for personal names.
Who to include is a decision similar to that of the authorship of a journal article. Who should be getting kudos/recognition for the creation of this dataset?
You can have more than one dataset creator, so all members of a team can be credited. Alternatively, you can split between Creator and Contributor, depending on degree and type of contribution.
*The inclusion of ORCID for individuals and ROR identifiers for organisations is strongly recommended.
Metadata fields
Example DataCite XML
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Jane Doe</creatorName>
<nameIdentifier schemeURI="https://orcid.org/" nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID">0000-0001-5727-2427</nameIdentifier>
<affiliation affiliationIdentifier="https://ror.org/ab01cd23" affiiationIdentifierScheme="ROR" schemeURI="https://ror.org">Holt University</affiliation>
<creatorName xml:lang="en" nameType="Organizational">Holt University</creatorName>
<nameIdentifier schemeURI="https://ror.org/" nameIdentifierScheme="ROR">https://ror.org/ab01cd23</nameIdentifier>
DataCite 2 Creator
Occurrences: 1-n
Input Type n/a
Example Input Nil
Controlled vocabulary source Nil
DataCite 2.1 creatorName
Occurrences: 1
Input type: Text
Example input: Jane Doe
Controlled vocabulary source: Nil
DataCite 2.1.a nameType
Occurrences: 1
Input type: Text from list
Example input: Personal
Controlled vocabulary source:
From the DataCite metadata schema:
DataCite 2.2 givenName
Occurrences: 0-1
Input type: Text
Example input: Jane
DataCite 2.3 familyName
Occurrences: 0-1
Input type: Text
Example input: Doe
DataCite 2.4 nameIdentifier
Occurrences: 0-n
Input type: Text
Example input: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0001-0003
An email address is not a valid identifier. Consider using an ORCID (for an individual) or a ROR (for an organisation) instead.
An ORCID will follow a human and a ROR will follow an organisation through name changes.
DataCite 2.4.a nameIdentifierScheme
Occurrences: 1
Input type: Text from list
Example input: ORCID
Controlled vocabulary source:
From the DataCite metadata schema:
DataCite 2.4.b schemeURI
Occurrences: 0-1
Input type: Text from list
Example input: https://orcid.org/
Controlled vocabulary source:
From the DataCite metadata schema:
DataCite 2.5 affiliation
Occurrences: 0-n
Input type: Text
Example input: Holt University
This should be the affiliation of the creator when the study was undertaken and data asset created, not their current affiliation.
If the name of the affiliated organisation has changed since the study was undertaken, use the historical name.
DataCite 2.5.a affiliationIdentifier
Occurrences: 0-1
Input type: Text
Example input https://ror.org/02czsnj07
Controlled vocabulary source:
Search ROR to find the appropriate ROR ID for an organisation.
A ROR ID will follow an organisation through name changes, so this should not need to be changed if an organisation changes name.
DataCite 2.5.b affiliationIdentifierScheme
Occurrences: 1
Input type: Text from list
Example input: ROR
Controlled vocabulary source:
From the DataCite metadata schema:
DataCite 2.5.c schemeURI
Occurrences: 0-1
Input type: Text from list
Controlled vocabulary source:
From the DataCite metadata schema: