HeSANDA metadata profile
Welcome to the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset metadata profile.
This project is under active development.
- Introduction
- Properties
- Required
- 1.1. Primary identifier
- 1.2. Creator
- 1.3. Title
- 1.5.1 Dataset publication date
- 1.6.1 Resource type general
- 1.6.2 Resource type
- 1.10 HeSANDA version
- 2.1 Study identifier
- 2.1 Public study name
- 2.3.1 Research area/discipline
- 2.3.1 Activity/research study description
- 2.4 Funding sources
- 2.5 Activity/research study type
- 2.6.1 Population
- 2.6.2 Intervention/exposure
- 2.6.3 Comparison/control
- 2.6.3a Control group
- 2.6.4 Outcome measures
- 2.7 Study protocol
- 2.7a Data dictionary
- 3.2 Dataset description
- 3.3.2 Sample description
- 4.1 Permitted uses
- 4.2 Data sharing policy
- 4.4.2 Enquiries point of contact
- 4.4.2 Request point of contact
- Recommended
- 1.2.1 Contributor
- 1.4.1 Geolocation
- 1.5.2 collection date
- 1.7 Format
- 1.8 Version
- 1.9 Alternate identifier
- 2.1 Scientific study name
- 2.2.3 Acronym
- 2.8 Other research outputs and related publications
- ANZCTR Step 11 - What supporting documents are/will be available?
- ANZCTR Step 11 - How or where can supporting documents be obtained?
- DataCite 20 RelatedItem
- DataCite 20.a relatedItemType
- DataCite 20.b relationType
- DataCite 20.1 relatedItemIdentifier
- DataCite 20.1.a relatedItemIdentifierType
- DataCite 20.1.b relatedMetadataScheme
- DataCite 20.1.c schemeURI
- DataCite 20.1.d schemeType
- DataCite 20.2.1 creatorName
- DataCite 20.2.1.a nameType
- DataCite 20.2.2 givenName
- DataCite 20.2.3 familyName
- DataCite 20.3 Title
- DataCite 20.3.a titleType
- DataCite 20.4 PublicationYear
- DataCite 20.5 volume
- DataCite 20.6 issue
- DataCite 20.7 number
- DataCite 20.7a numberType
- DataCite 20.8 firstPage
- DataCite 20.9 firstPage
- DataCite 20.10 Publisher
- DataCite 20.11 edition
- DataCite 20.12 Contributor
- DataCite 20.12.a contributorType
- DataCite 20.12.1 contributorName
- DataCite 20.12.1.a nameType
- DataCite 20.12.2 givenName
- DataCite 20.12.3 familyName
- 3.1 Keyword
- 3.3.1 Sample size
- 3.3.3 Assessment stage/timepoint
- 4.3 Rights/licence
- Required
- Guidance